New Dad!

Created by Lisa 13 years ago
Dad always said that when I was born he went into a baby shop and found a pretty little dress for me, then stood in the shop crying! This was a sign of what was to come in terms of how he was as a Dad, everything he did was so very full of heart, thought and emotion. When I think of Dad when Beck and I were babies and toddlers I just think of him being a lot of fun. A lot of the games we played were made up by him, like him pretending to be asleep and us waking him up then being chased. A lot of the stories were from his head or about his uncles and aunties's antics, he used to draw funny pictures of us called 'the twerpies', and take us for nature walks or to see some piglets. He had birdwatching books and used to show us the birds, we were always looking for a kingfisher, and it was always very exciting when we did manage to see those turquiose feathers!